t Lillie’s Q, we believe in using all-natural ingredients and staying true to the heritage of each region i competed in along the competitive BBQ circuit. spicy cayenne from Memphis; apple and lime juices from western Carolina; vinegar from eastern Carolina; tangy mustard from south Carolina; mayonnaise and black pepper from northern Alabama. thanks for bringing your friends and family to the table to experience authentically crafted southern barbeque flavors true to their regions and traditions.
Southern Roots
Serving up Southern BBQ that’s true to regional traditions while still creating unique, reimagined flavors is an art form in itself. Thanks to Grandma Lillie, a full family lineage of BBQ passion, and a commitment to craft, we believe we’ve mastered it. And with four restaurants and a variety of sauces, rubs, mixes and more – we’re excited to show you why its unlike anything you’ve ever tasted.

“Creating a Southern-inspired BBQ experience that’s true to regional traditions and reimagined into unique, authentic and delicious flavors.”
Made with smotherly love
We call it Smotherly Love – in all its sweet, savory, Southern glory. We believe BBQ worth writing home about starts with 100% natural ingredients worth scouring for. So with every bite, know you’re enjoying flavors as authentic as the places
they come from.
Spicy cayenne from Memphis. Black Pepper from Northern Alabama. Apple and Lime Juices from West half of the Carolinas, vinegar from the East and tangy mustard from the South.
It’s tradition you can taste.
2x World Barbeque Champions
Including two Memphis in May victories and a variety of other awards on the competitive BBQ circuit, we’re proud to have added to our mantles at home. The work is long, rigorous and takes a small village. But damn if isn’t delicious.